Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Beginnings

Ever feel like- "Omg... I have nothing to wear!" It's usually while you're staring at a closet full of clothes, right? And yet, you are somehow able to dress yourself just fine after not doing laundry for longer than you care to admit? Yeah... Me neither... 

I absolutely adore a brand new outfit. However, I'm trying to cut down on needless spending (seriously, do I need another striped top?), and living in a studio has limited room, though I am relatively spoiled with closet space for now. My best friend thinks it's really funny when I borrow a dress or sweater occasionally because she has such a minimalist wardrobe and is constantly borrowing from my plethora of options. Hey- it's nice to cycle in some new options now and then! Even a bottomless closet can feel boring after a while... but I wish I could feel that I have everything I need already.

Did you know that people only wear about 20% of their wardrobe regularly? I would say I definitely fall into that- you know what you look good in and you know what's comfortable. Recently, I did some organizing of my Pinterest boards. Something I honestly didn't think would need to happen. How do I have so many pins?? While sorting through my multiple wardrobe boards, I noticed I'm very drawn to the Capsule Wardrobe idea. I just admire the creativity it takes to rearrange a finite amount of options and still get new outfits every day! If I'm only wearing 20% anyway... I think I could do something like that.

Shortly after my productive virtual cleaning inspiration, I read a blog post about a young lady who let her grandmother dress her for a week. (If you think that's scary, try having your toddler dress you!) I'm sure some of you shutter at the thought of having to wear something straight out of the 60s. (As a vintage clothing enthusiasts, I would absolutely love that by the way). But, no- Hayli Skyped her grandmother who went and chose outfits out of her granddaughter's closet. I love that not only did Hayli find inspiration from new ways of matching and accessorizing, but they have grown closer because of this and now video chat weekly!

Brilliant! I'm in. After mulling over some of the logistics of what I would need to do, I had a quick email conversation with my Grandma to see if she would even be interested. She was. Then a thought occurred to me- could I take this a step further? I have some amazing ladies in my life. And most of these lovely, fashionable ladies in my family I tend to not see more often than on holidays. Could this be a way to get new insights, not only to the secrets lying within my wardrobe, but also into the lives of my family members? Ok, that may be a tad overdramatic, but come on! I would love a good excuse to do some lady- bonding! 
Let the experiment begin!!

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